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Matt Zigler

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Copyright Matt Zigler, 2023

The Life List Series

These images are based on photographs taken during my many birding trips, local and otherwise. 

The data used is collected from various scientific resources, including Ebird, a platform that collects data from citizen scientists around the world.

These digital images blend traditional painting techniques, digital photography, and collage.

Natura Technica

This series explores what it takes to keep critically endangered species alive in the wild. Each species is made up of the data and information that scientists and conservationists use to bring them back from the brink.

These digital images are collages of photographs, data, graphs, charts, and maps related to the species and it's conservation.

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Three Modes of Making provides a framework for maker courses in upper grades that teach students creative-process skills through three key maker modes: Imitation, Modification, and Innovation. Educators will learn the differences between the three modes, their associated skill sets, and gain concrete methods to teach, document, and assess these skills.

Advance Praise for Three Modes of Making

Matt Zigler’s Three Modes of Making is a terrific resource for teachers looking for a head start on maker education that is meaningful and relevant for students. This is a much needed lens for high school teachers, where making may be misunderstood as simply any kind of hands-on technology project. Matt proposes three types of projects that assist students through a logical progression as they create and learn. These three modes, imitation, modification, and innovation, also help teachers understand how the project process varies as students learn skills that allow them to dive deeper into learning through making. This book is a must read for high school teachers who want students to experience relevant, modern making that goes beyond skills to true innovation. 


Sylvia Libow Martinez, co-author of Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom

Learn more about the three modes of making and how they can be used to teach valuable skills to all students in this 22 minute presentation.

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© 2023 by Matt Zigler. 

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